The crushed stone produced by MINASILICIO GMA MINERADORA LTDA, because it came from QUARTZ ROCK, demonstrated in the laboratory to have a resistance of more than 6% in the rupture test in relation to crushed stone of Limestone and Guineas giving a better adhesion of the concrete.
Due to its superior resistance it is indicated for general use in civil construction such as: Bridges, highways and large structures.
The MINASILICIO GMA Mining company LTDA produces and classifies zero crushed stone, ONE and TWO, within the standards of the ABNT standards, thus guaranteeing a homogenization in relation to the granulometric required.
The mesh is 12 mm and it is very small, being very used in the production of beams, precast slabs, tubes, concrete blocks for construction and foundation, molded concrete blocks and for the production of blocks and shackles.
The mesh is 24 mm, twice the size of 0 and is the most used in all construction processes, as it is the most used in the production of concrete for the columns, which are crucial part when it comes to quality required, beams and slabs, that is, almost everything. In large buildings such as buildings and large commercial spaces it is even more used.
It has a 30 mm mesh and is used only when there is a need for a more resistant concrete, usually in larger buildings and having to carry more weight. The concrete is called crude concrete, and is required on thicker floors.
Ela Também trabalha incansavelmente para implantar a ISO 9001 e a ISO 14001. com todo este cuidado e atenção, podemos garantir que ela produz produtos de baixíssimo impacto ambiental e com Excepcional qualidade, e tem como principal objetivo e meta, a conquista e a satisfação dos nosso clientes e funcionários.
También trabaja incansablemente para implantar la ISO 9001 y la ISO 14001. Con todo este cuidado y atención, podemos garantizar que ella produce productos de bajísimo impacto ambiental y con Excepcional calidad, y tiene como principal objetivo y meta, la conquista y la satisfacción de los clientes nuestros clientes y empleados.
She also works tirelessly to implement ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. With all this care and attention, we can guarantee that she produces products of very low environmental impact and with exceptional quality, and has as main objective and goal, the achievement and satisfaction of our customers and employees.